Yes! You CAN freelance part-time from home! Here’s a roadmap if you’re not planning to put in 40+ hours into your freelancing business.
1 Key to the Best Freelance Portfolio Websites
As a freelancer, a portfolio is non-negotiable. And the absolute best freelance portfolio websites include something surprising. Read on!
How to Charge Freelance Rush Fees (Without Burning Bridges)
How do you define a “rush job”? How do you set your freelance rush fees? Here are things to consider when using rush fees in YOUR business!
3 Keys to Reducing Freelance Stress
We leave traditional jobs to get away from stress, right? So, if you’re feeling freelance stress, read on for tips to combat it.
Unproductive? Try This Tip for Staying Motivated
Feeling unproductive is the bane of every freelancer’s workday. This tip for staying motivated might just help you get stuff done. Try it!
How to Be a Freelance Expert vs. a Freelance Executor
As a freelancer, you need to do more than execute. You need to be a freelance expert. Here’s how to partner smarter with your clients.