It is possible to work from home freelance (or anywhere in the world) and make great money doing it. Here’s why it’s possible to work remote.
How to Fire a Freelance Client
Watch out for these pitfalls when you realize you need to fire a freelance client! What can you learn from the experience?
Stay Focused as a Freelancer: The 5 Second Rule
Unfortunately we all struggle to stay focused as a freelancer. So if you procrastinate or avoid doing your work now and again, try this tip!
Find Great Freelance Job Listings
Finding new clients is easy! Here are 5 places creatives can find freelance job listings. These sites can complement your pitching game!
Is it Possible to Freelance Part-Time?
Your clients don’t care how many hours you work each week. But there are other considerations if you choose to freelance part-time.
Is Freelancing Hard to Get Into?
People who think freelancing is hard might not have done it the right way. You can succeed when you have effective tools and a great network!